Lush Spa Day
So these past 2 days i have felt horrible. I don't know if it was my sinuses or just being completely worn out. Either way, I took off from work to try and help my body rejuvenate itself. I slept all morning then treated myself to my very own mid-day Lush Spa. I used the Golden Egg from Lush, which is a bath melt and bomb all in one. Covered in glitter. Which mine wasn't covered that much since i order it online, it got beat up on the way here. I haven't tried this scent before but i know the honey i washed the kids is my friends favorite scent from lush.( So of course I ordered her one for her birthday. ) I used the Dark Angels face scrub then used the Mask of Magnaminty. I haven't never tried their masks before. Ive always used the GlamGlo masks and i actually like the Lush ones so much more. I was really shocked, but i think i am slowly being 100% won over by Lush.
I made it easy for you to find these product by clicking on the names and it will link you right to them. The Gold Egg is limited edition so go after it while you can!